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Make Yourself Available to Others By Sharing Your Story
Has the Prince of Peace heroically appeared on the pages of your story and saved you from disaster? Has He swept you off your feet and changed your forever after? If so, you have a story worth telling. Every blessing Jesus has bestowed, every lesson He has taught you, every wound that He has healed, and every need that He has met for you is a testimony that needs to be shared.
Your breakthroughs hold the key to someone’s prison door and your story may very well serve as someone else’s survival guide. We invite you to join us at the table and watch this week’s video as Cherry and I share practical tips on sharing the things Jesus has done in your life.
I want to encourage you to take time this week to think back through the pages of your story and identify specific things that God has done for you and in you. You might want to make a list in a journal. Writing things down helps them stick in our minds and also gives us an opportunity to revisit the list from time to time so that we can keep them at the forefront of our minds. Make space in your busy life this week to marinate in the goodness and faithfulness God has shown you throughout your life. And then start thinking about how you can be more intentional in sharing these stories with others.
Be sure to join us again the next couple of weeks as Cherry and I show you how easy it is to share our testimonies in everyday conversations. We will give you step by step instructions as we both share pieces of our own stories.
As always, we want to hear from you! Share your take on today’s topic in the comments below or visit with us in the She Rises Facebook group here.